The author ought to be careful what she wishes for. Police body cams were also proposed as a way to identify the police racism that was assumed to underlie all of the racial disparities in outcomes, but what they've shown in reality is that police are generally professional and that the people who struggle with them are overwhelmingly in the wrong. It's likely that medical body cams would reveal something analogous: professionals are usually professional and patients can be a royal pain in the ass sometimes.

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You lost me at “ psychiatry resident.”

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“Resist the temptation to confuse control for care.” https://theconvivialsociety.substack.com/p/care-not-control

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So...let’s monitor all the “providers” all of the time in order to ferret out misbehavior by the few some of the time...as if the true sociopaths would remain blithely ignorant of the potential of being outed. Help me, Jesus... where do people come up with this stuff?. I’m SO glad I’ve stepped off the dance floor already...

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Once you get something ,you can't undo it with regards to surveillance. The young author should consider this, I think you make very good counter points with this article. I also think that there is a sacredness between Dr.-patients confidentiality. There are other ways to determine bias & racism that are less invasive! Great responses to validate your position.

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"As such, I don’t think cameras are the answer. But the real answer requires more than a change in tech. It requires a change in hearts."


IOW, if ethical standards do not guide Health Care Professionals in everything they do, no guard rails will stop evil behavior, PERIOD. Your job as an ETHICS BASED Doctor is to weed out those without a moral compass from the health care field. You don't need cameras to do that.

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Absolutely……stunning….borderline Orwellian….dont these people realize they are only going drive this country, the worlds “last great hope”, into the hands of Trump again ? Don’t they have any common sense, perspective ?> oh, I forgot-the resident is under the age of 28.

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When I was a hospice chaplain, my every move was measured and recorded. This was before ubiquitous cameras, but just knowing that one's comings and goings were under so much scrutiny made an already very demanding type of work much more difficult.

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