Compromise and understanding are difficult for most folks who are on opposite sides of issues like abortion and gun ownership. I too am (overall) pro-gun and antiabortion. That does not mean that I support 18-year-old kids legally purchasing AR-15s or handguns, or young women being denied legal and safe abortion in cases of rape, incest or when a pregnancy becomes detrimental to the physical or mental health of the mother. Certainly, we can decrease the demand for abortion by decreasing the number of unwanted pregnancies. The Netherlands allows unrestricted abortion, and yet the demand for abortions is far less than it is in our own country. They have an effective program of sex education in schools and offer easy access to birth control. the result is fewer unwanted pregnancies and young people actually beginning sexual activity at a later age than in the U.S. The 2A is a fundamental right that we have in America, but it does not give one the right to murder children in their school classrooms or grocery shoppers in their local supermarket. Measures such as Universal background checks, restricting the age of firearm purchase to 21, red flag laws, better access to mental health and making ghost guns illegal would not completely eliminate mass shootings in this country, but it would definitely decrease the number of them. Assuming that the sanctity and protection of human life is the one common ground starting point (or goal), why can't we put bickering aside and actually do something that has proven to be successful and would result in less shedding of blood?

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