It's difficult to play middleman in today's culture wars. Most folks already have an opinion and spend little thought about the realities of others. I have seen few who could express it as well as Dr. Leap.

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Well said as usual. I think the elites don’t understand at all what working people are experiencing. Buying an electric car is way above the budget of the great majority of Americans, and to propose this as a solution to high gas prices is pretty dang tone deaf.

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I fear just as you do - everything is so "uncertain" - each new day brings more"worry" to add to our other day's of worries - our only hope is to hold tightly to our Lord's hand and continue to pray for all of the world and ourselves.

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Keen observations. When good people have had enough it’s a barometer of things to come. As ER staff we are perhaps one of the best at seeing the smoke before the fire. The house of medicine itself may soon strip the emperors of their clothes.

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I share your observations. It appears that our societal stew is at a simmer and individuals are ready to boil over with the addition of the least bit of added heat.

As you note the issue is complex and simplistic explanations are unlikely to be on target.

I think there are many factors but one influence that appears to me to have changed significantly is media perspective, penetration and tone. I am regularly disappointed to hear and see sensationally grim headlines and stories founded in comments such as “experts fear that…”, “sources suggest that…”, “projections identify that…” and similar. Extreme and negative speculation flood the ever-present media input Americans are subjected to. What’s actually happening is often worrisome enough.

Is new-age media influence a contributor to the epidemic of anxiety and fear(readily manifested as anger) that you and others observe?

I suspect so. The tone, volume, frequency, and unrelenting exposure of these sensationalized negative messages likely have an impact.

Edwin, you’re a keen observer of the human animal

Thank you.

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