Oh, you are SO right about the pre-med flail. Ironically, the whiz kids don't usually make the best physicians. Those docs having compassion and gifted communicating skills are usually the ones who most want to become physicians because they genuinely wish to help others. They are often the ones who barely squeak through getting into medical school and graduate in the middle of their class. For these folks, pre-med is a hellish experience and the 1st 2 years of medical school can be incredibly challenging. However, during the 3rd and 4th (clinical) years, they begin to shine, and in residency they become legends.

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I've memorized the Krebs cycle 7 times and have never used it in 35 yrs in the ER. I could've used a class in communication, business, marketing. Statistics and a few more physical ed courses. Med schools need to change to improve our students for the real world.

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What would it take, in an ideal world, to make necessary changes? What would they be - either large or small?

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