Thank you for your heartrending prose and for your willingness to convey what really goes on in the world.

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Read the history and compare what the Sackler family did, to what the Sasson family did. The parallels, to include their family backgrounds, are quite amazing!

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nicely written. We all see. Sadly, the coroner office of our county is now up to 17 full and part time staff--from just a few 10 years ago...largely due to this.

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In our shared experiences, the end always seems to be the same. They die alone. How sad. Are we becoming numb to the devastation?

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Wow, Ed. So powerfully written and sad.

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Hard to “like” this in the traditional sense, but I appreciate the story being told. Someone loved that woman, and misses her to this day.

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A story repeated too often I am sure. So draining. One can, I suppose, deal with repeated situations by saying these individuals made their own choices, but when we are taught to resuscitate, support, and bring people back to life, accepting the inevitable end feels heartless. We are, after all, people with feelings, not robots. We will always wonder “why?” And it feels like somehow we as a society have failed somehow to help folks feel they need to make an effort to change. The pull of the high is too much, and oftentimes they see it as the only reprieve from their other demons.

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